We continuously update our homepage. On the english part of our homepage we provide selected news.
You'll get more detailed news in german language.
2017 / 2016
Opening of the exhibition "PHOTO EXPERIMENTS" with experimental pictures from our advanced students
22nd of June 2017 in the BITZ in Bühl, Am Froschbächle 21

The European Photoacademy is project partner in the ERASMUS+ project "Tools and Games against Cybermobbing", 2016 - 2018.
The Kick-off meeting took place in January 2016 in Ostrava in the Czech Republic. The second project meeting took place
in Tallinn/Estonia in April 2017.
[29. September - 28. Oktober 2016]
The exhibition "The Cultural Heritage in the Region of Rastatt" opened its doors!

[24. September 2016]
Presentation of the E-Book "HDR-Photography: A practical guide"

2 international exhibitions about HDR-Photography took place:
June 2016 in Lisbon / Portugal
February 2016 in Triest/Italy
You can find more information about the european project "HDR-Photography and European Blended Learning"
in english language on the homepage of the project: www.vir2cope.eu
August/September 2016
The exhibition "Revolution" opened its doors in the baroque castle in Rastatt.
It is a cooperation project with the " Erinnerungsstätte für die Freiheitsbewegungen in der deutschen Geschichte"
(The memorial of the movements for freedom in the german history)