The part-time study has the following modules:
Module 1: Digital photography and image composition
Digital Photoraphy basics
Camera technology
Layout designed by exposure time
White balance and ISO
Exercises: light and shadow
Flash, flash system and studio photograpy
Space and perspective
How to use colours
Black and White
Thematic photography: Portrait, landscape, still lifes, night photography,
panorama photography, macro photography
Basics of multishot techniques: HDRI and stacking
Module 2: Theory of Photography
Theoretical basics about photography
Image analyses and image composition
Photo psychology
Module 3: Image processing
Digital image processing with Photoshop CS6 / CC
Optimize images
Advanced techniques
HDRI and stacking
Module4: Webdesign
Basics: Webdesign
Photos for the Web
Module5: Projects
Photo exhibition and photo folder
Module 6: International Projects (optional)
Participation in EU-Project, if available (free option)
The part-time study is in german language. We are able to conduct a part-time study in english language with a minimum
number of
8 students.
You can find more informations in the description of the
part time studies in german language HERE