

Image processing, seminars,
workshops, studies, projects....

Research and publications
As a private education provider in the field of adult and further education the European Photoacademy
supports the Lifelong Learning of a broad target group, no matter if you are employed, if you want re-
entering the labour-market, enjoy your retirement, are working at home or do something else.
Nowadays many professionals profit enormously from competences like photography, digital image
processing, digital design, media pedagogy, IT and E-Learning. These competences are even essential
for many professionals like in the field of management, teaching, in the backoffice, for marketing and PR,
for self-employed persons and others.
Additionally the academy provides courses for kids and teens as well as a compact study for working out
an art folder. The latter are usually required to apply for artistic studies.
The integration of modern pedagogy is an important point of the academy. We apply E-Learning,
especially webinars, in our studies. It is also important for us to integrate national and international
projects in our work. Practical work is a crucial part of our courses.
Our part-time studies in photography and digital design for adult learners are unique in their conception.
The academy profits from the experience and qualification of its leader Matthias Gessler. With more than
20 years experience in adult and university education he contributes enormously to the high quality of the offer.

Matthias Gessler: Leader of the European Photoacademy
High quality, up-to-dateness as well as being embedded in a large network of other education
providers is very important for the academy. We cooperate with adult education centers, unioversities, associations
, companies and private education providers active in the fields of art, film and media. Additionally we are member of
the "Netzwerk für Berufliche Fortbildung in Baden-Württemberg", an association of about 1200 education
providers in our region active in the field of further education. This associaton is supported by the ministry of
finance and economy in Baden-Württemberg.

We cooperate within european projects as partners or coordinator. For further
information you may have a look at our national and international projects.