Projects on local, national and international level are a very important part of the activities of the European Photoacademy.
Photography, digital graphics and E-Learning offers a lot of interesting opportunities for projects. On national level we
conduct mainly art projects like exhibitions and excursions. On international level we operate as project coordinator or
as project partner within european projects, dealing with art, photography, e-learning, culture and interculturality, social issues,
politics, history and nature. We cooperate for example with education providers from all sectors, companies and associations, adult
education centers and communities. Being embedded in a vast national and international network, the European Photoacademy
operates as a flexible, innovative and open institution.
Examples of our latest projects are:
2014 - 2016: European Project "HDR-Photography and European Blended Learning"
The European Photoacademy operated as project coordinator in the Strategic Partnership, co-funded from
the european programme ERASMUS+. For more informations, please click HERE

The VIR2COPE-project included a series of international webinars, photographic exhitibitons and conferences in different countries
like in Italy (Triest) and in Portugal (Lisbon), activities on international trade fairs like the LEARNTEC in Karlsruhe/Germany or
the PHOTOKINA in Cologne/Germany.
Karlsruhe: Café PALAVER: "LOST PLACES" photographed with HDR photography
Advanced students from the photoacademy presented their photographic work
District administration Rastatt: "The cultural heritage in the district of Rastatt"
(Follow-up project of the European Project "LightECHOes", 2012-2014)

Rastatt: Art Exhibition in the Pagodenburg Rastatt
Cooperation with the Kunstverein Rastatt
AOK-Klinik (hospital), Fremersberg, Baden-Baden: Exhibition "Fascination Photography"
Series of exhibitions from the students of the photoacademy
02.08..2016-12.10.2016 | Exhibition "REVOLUTION - Views and Insights"
Cooperation with the german "Erinnerungsstätte für die Freiheitsbewegungen in der Deutschen Geschichte"
in the baroque castle in Rastatt.

You can find more informations of our projects HERE