[November 2016: Essay "Pedagogy of Multinational Realtime Online Trainings for Blended Learnings" ]
in: HERJ Hungarian Educational Research Journal, Vol 6 (2016), No 3, 107-123.
Free Download: http://herj.lib.unideb.hu/file/3/szamok/69/HERJ_2016_3_1103.pdf
Language: english
Authors: R.Schmelzer, M. Gessler, I. Kanova et al.:
[September 2016: Exhibition catalogue]
The exhibition catalogue encompasses on more than 120 pages all 70 pictures from the exhibition "The cultural heritage in the region of Rastatt"
with additional informations and literature. The exhibition took place from 29th of September till 28th of October 2016 in
the building of the district administration Rastatt. The catalogue provides a nice summary of the cultural treasures in the region of Rastatt.
Format DIN A4, high gloss, hardcover, price: 19.90 Euro.
Authors: R. Schmelzer and M. Gessler

[June 2016: E-Book about HDR Photography]
The results of the European Project "HDR Photography and Blended Learning" were summarized on more than 300 pages in the E-Book
"HDR-Photography: A practical Guide". It is
available in german and english language as a free download.
Professional photographers, experienced amateur photographers and beginners shared their experiences from different fields with the group.
The direct link for free download of the E-Book is HERE
Authors: R. Schmelzer, M. Gessler et. al.
[Sept. 2016]
Video dealing about the pedagogy of webinars.
Based on an international study this 30-minutes video is one of the results of the european project "HDR-Photography and Blended Learning",
where the project partners from 6 different countries cooperated by using webinars in combination with presence meetings.
Webinars turned out to be a highly efficient tool for education and collaboration. Here is the direct link to the youtube-video: :
[2016: Exhibition catalogue "HDR-Photography in Lisbon/Portugal"]
The exhibition took place from 2nd of June till 4th of June 2016.
The exhibition catalogue encompasses all photos from the international exhibition.
The catalogue has 151 pages, DIN A4-Format. Price: ca. 15 Euro
Please contact us for more informations
[2016: Exhibition catalogue of the exhibition "HDR-Photography in Triest/Italy]
The exhibition took place from 13th of February till end of March 2016 in Triest/Italy. It was part of the european project
"VIR2COPE" . The catalogue has 179 pages, hardcover, price: 19,80 Euro.
[2015: Exhibition Catalogue LightEchoes]
Exhibition catalogue from 4 exhibitions in Germany, Greece, Poland and Turkey, dealing about the cultural heritage in these countries.
Authors: Schmelzer, R.; Gessler, M., et al., 2015, with pictures from photographers from 4 countries.

DIN A4 Format, 205 pages;
Price: 19,80 Euro Language: english;