[June 2017]
Press releases in the local press about the opening of the photo exhibition "PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPERIMENTS"
in Bühl in the BITZ (Center of Innovation and Technology in Bühl)
[29. September - 28. October 2016]
Exhibition "The Cultural Heritage of the region Rastatt"
Detailed press releases in the regional newspapers "Badisches Tagblatt" and "Badische Neueste Nachrichten"
[Sept. 2014 - Aug. 2016]
Press releases about the activities of the European Project "VIR2COPE" ("European Blended Learning and HDR-Photography"),
which was conducted under the management of the European Photoacademy, in newspapers and journals in Germany, Hungary, Italy and Portugal.
For more informations please click at the project homepage: www.vir2cope.eu
[25. September 2015 - 31. January 2016]
The exhibition "Fascination Photography" opened at 25th of September 2015 in the AOK-Clinique
Korbmattfelsenhof in Baden-Baden. The ample building provides excellent opportunities for an exhibition.
More than 100 photographies about different topics were shown.
The students of the part-time study "Photography" from the course 2014/2015 present with this
exhibition the results of their work.
[31. Juyi 2015]
The exhibition "Freedom - Perspectives - Insights" opens its doors in the "Erinnerungsstätte für die
Freiheitsbewegungen in der deutschen Geschichte" ( memorial of the movements for freedom in the german history).
Five students of the European Photoacademy show their photographies with the topic "Freedom".
The local newspaper BNN (Badische Neueste Nachrichten) and the BT (Badisches Tagblatt) reported from the event.

[19. December 2014]
The local newspaper BNN (Badische Neueste Nachrichten) puplished an article about
the european project meeting (VIR2COPE.eu) in Rastatt

[15. September 2014]
The local newspaper reported from the opening of our exhibition "Fascination Photography",
which took place in the customer centre of the bank "Sparksse Rastatt-Gernsbach" in Rastatt.
The graduates of the part-time study "Photography" present their photographic work from one year.

You can enlarge the pictue with a click on it.

The local newspaper BNN reported from the opening of the exhibition "LightEchoes".
This exhibition is part of the european project "European Cultural Heritage - A Melting Pot of Cultures throught
the Light of Photography". Four countries are working together and photography the cultural heritage of their location.
The results are shown as an exhibition in each partner country. The exhibition in Rastatt was the first one.
Press releases from the exhibition in Germany/Bühl took place also in Greece and Turkey.

Die BNN berichtet am 4. Juni 2013 über den Europäischen Workshop, der in der
Europäischen Fotoakademie ArtWebDesign vom 24.5. bis zum 1.6.2013 stattgefunden hat.
In der Aufnahme sehen Sie im Hintergrund das Schloß Favorite und im Vordergrund die
Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen des Workshops.